On Friday, Nutmeg qualifyied (ran clean) in both her classes which were Excellent B Standard and Excellent B Jumpers with Weaves. These are the top echelon classes of agility.
On Saturday, she Double Qualified again and placed 3rd in Standard. "So Nutmeg has two more DQ's hope she can get one tomorrow. The courses were real nice. I am so proud of her. She took a 3rd place and in our area that is real good. Then it is rest time, no trials until the end of August. Took all the girls to the show with me. Real nice place with air conditioning which was nice, it is too hot to run outside! She is sleeping now."
Today, they made it three for three, qualifying in both classes with a 4th place in Standard. "Nutmeg got another DQ she was so good got a fourth in Standard. She really ran nice this weekend. Now for the fun. I have to take her swimming I told her I would."
These were trials of the WI-IL Agility Club of Spring Grove, Illinois. The club changed its trial site this year to the Libertyville Sports Complex in Libertyville, Illinois. "They were asking all the exhibitors if we liked the place and we said, 'Yes!' The place was air conditioned and cool, didn't need any fans, and they also had a lot of parking. It was very, very noisy because there was a basketball tournament going on. It didn't bother my girls at all. Nutmeg ran very well, Sage was so good, she stayed in her crate with no problem and Ginger can't hear and she slept. But it's a very beautiful place and we had really nice courses. They had traps of course but they were fun courses. The dogs actually got to accelerate instead of always twisting and turning. I mean, there should be some difficulty but dogs should be able to run. The one judge, Laura [English], has Cockers, and the other one [Sionag Black] has Goldens and both of them also show their own dogs. You want the judges who show their own dogs. But that's why it is hard to get good judges, when you ask them, they're either judging somewhere else or running their own dogs. Anyway, I'm training Sage with this new trainer and she told me something I should do different with Nutmeg and it helped. Everybody told me she ran awesome. I think so, too."
I think so, three! Maxine, Congratulations to you and Nutmeg on your awesome performances this weekend!!