July 2008
The handler in this photo is Jolanta Jeanneney. Jolanta is showing her longhaired bitch Teckelpen's Class Act, aka Yaga, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, in 1980. Yaga became a Canadian Champion and had 13 US field trial points.
The first contact I ever had with Jolanta was when she still lived in Canada and wrote asking about a future longhaired stud dog for Yaga. Alas, Jolanta became interested in breeding only standard wirehairs. She imported a male named Fausto and had the fabulous wire litter that produced Kuba and Gita. Then she met and married John and moved to New York and the rest is history. But I thought you would enjoy seeing this photo of Jolanta in the show ring with her...longhair.
The first contact I ever had with Jolanta was when she still lived in Canada and wrote asking about a future longhaired stud dog for Yaga. Alas, Jolanta became interested in breeding only standard wirehairs. She imported a male named Fausto and had the fabulous wire litter that produced Kuba and Gita. Then she met and married John and moved to New York and the rest is history. But I thought you would enjoy seeing this photo of Jolanta in the show ring with her...longhair.