Thank you, Maxine!
Maxine Brinker sent photos of her Nutmeg (12.5 yrs) and Sage (4) at a Barn Hunt event. They both like these events and have done well at them.
Thank you, Maxine!
Returning through the field after taking photos of the setting sun, I spotted a bright yellow plant that seemed to stand out in the failing light. I increased the ISO and shot a few photos of it. I like the way this one turned out!
Congratulations! His father was super-hunter. Foxes, racoon dogs, badger, deers... Also super blood tracking dog. Never had better working dachshund as he was! Have good time with your new dachshund! ~ Pauliina Sjoholm, Finland, breeder/owner of Marz' father Tasha made some more friends tonight. Imported from Denmark on October 7 by Diane Webb and John Willmore of California, Mars will live and track with Jim White of Louisiana. Mars is the father of Taya, Tasha, and Thor, all littermates bred in Denmark by Lise-Lotte Schulz and living in the U.S. It didn't take Mars and Jimbo long to track this deer. The deer was still alive in tall, tall grass. Mars has landed! ~ Cliff Shrader, Louisiana Jim and his family are doing a great job with Mars. Thank you, Jimbo!
A very big thank you to an amazing little dog!! Tasha lived up to the hype, she is awesome!!Thanks Cliff and Tasha. ~ John Kerr, Louisiana This was SUvCh NUvCh SVCh FC Hound's Kashmir who died at age 14.5, quite apparently in his sleep, three years ago while I was at work. Kasi fathered just two litters before leaving Sweden at the age of five but he is in many, many pedigrees of dachshunds around the world. And he was the father of just one litter after he came to the States, but that litter of seven, my O litter, consisted of seven very talented and highly accomplished dogs.
Thank you, Marie Gadolin - kennel Hound's, for sending me Kasi and his old Scandinavian bloodlines when I needed him most! ps Kasi is in Teo's pedigree as he is a great-grandfather. Tasha has been busy. I will post details later because she has worn me out! ~ Cliff Shrader, Louisiana Newest photo of Teo (foreground) who turned 7 months on Oct 12. It is hard to believe that I have had him six weeks already. Teo is a cool pupster with many layers to his character. He is high energy and thinks quite a lot of himself, strutting often like a little prince! He is spurlaut, has good ground clearance, moves very efficiently, is highly attentive, weighs 19 lbs, and has the most coarsely-textured top coat I have ever had on a longhair. I love all these things about him and more. The biggest surprise to me is that OWL is spending the most time playing with him! They are looking something like kindred spirits.
It is Taya in the photo with Teo pup. So this six year old dog was bred by someone in Finland (Ilse Kokkonen - kennel Maxi-Tax)
lived six years with someone in Denmark (Lise-Lotte Schulz - kennel Tranevang) was purchased and transported to Copenhagen airport on October 7 by someone from California (John Willmore and Diane Webb) was picked up at O'Hare by someone from Ohio (me) transferred in Illinois to someone from Louisiana (Cliff Shrader who was on a hunting trip) stayed three days in the hunting camp with Cliff and his buddies then eight days in Louisiana with Cliff and Cheryl and went on Sunday to live with the alligator hunter guy in the picture (Jimbo White). This is Mars - Cajun Jim says it's Marz! - on his way to a deer track this evening. I don't know whether it is a training track or a real one but I look forward to hearing how it goes! Marz is Multi-CH Maxi-Tax Maroon Marstax, father of my Taya, Cliff's Tasha, and Derek Smith's Thor (Seymour). All the Best to Cajun Marz! Put on call for work, the first thing on my new agenda was to take my dogs and camera for a walk. This is Taya, aka Tranevang's MA Tayatax, age 2. Her nose is twitching; she is sniffing the air. Another nose rolls into the photo - literally! This is Viljo just having his usual great ol' time. He'd been snorkeling in the leaves with Owl before deciding to make his appearance in Taya's photo!
Tasha braved the high temperatures and humidity to recover a nice buck. The arrow deflected off the shoulder blade and exited the paunch. He backtracked and crossed his own trail twice. He swam across a barrow pit with at least one alligator in it....we went around! Although the buck was only a couple hundred yards from where he was shot, we covered 1.25 miles tracking one hour and twenty nine minutes. Lots of this time I was on my hands and knees crawling through the willows, kudzu and cockaburs! There were only two small spots of blood on the entire trail. Tasha continues to amaze me and she was awesome today! ~ Cliff Shrader, Louisiana Maxine Brinker with new Field Champion (and 9 pts from MACH) Sage v Dorndorf L TDX and Laura Mei-Lin Knoll with Sage's sister FC Seiko.
At the Harvest Moon Classic field trial in Roscoe, Illinois today, Sage was back High and Won the Open Bitches class and Seiko was back High and Won the Field Champion Bitches class. Wow, that is quite a feat! Congratulations to Laura and Maxine and their talented daughters of ABS13 FC Oslo and DC Nadja ME! |
February 2015