Congratulations! His father was super-hunter. Foxes, racoon dogs, badger, deers... Also super blood tracking dog. Never had better working dachshund as he was! Have good time with your new dachshund! ~ Pauliina Sjoholm, Finland, breeder/owner of Marz' father
Tasha made some more friends tonight. Imported from Denmark on October 7 by Diane Webb and John Willmore of California, Mars will live and track with Jim White of Louisiana. Mars is the father of Taya, Tasha, and Thor, all littermates bred in Denmark by Lise-Lotte Schulz and living in the U.S. It didn't take Mars and Jimbo long to track this deer. The deer was still alive in tall, tall grass. Mars has landed! ~ Cliff Shrader, Louisiana Jim and his family are doing a great job with Mars. Thank you, Jimbo!
A very big thank you to an amazing little dog!! Tasha lived up to the hype, she is awesome!!Thanks Cliff and Tasha. ~ John Kerr, Louisiana Tasha has been busy. I will post details later because she has worn me out! ~ Cliff Shrader, Louisiana So this six year old dog was bred by someone in Finland (Ilse Kokkonen - kennel Maxi-Tax)
lived six years with someone in Denmark (Lise-Lotte Schulz - kennel Tranevang) was purchased and transported to Copenhagen airport on October 7 by someone from California (John Willmore and Diane Webb) was picked up at O'Hare by someone from Ohio (me) transferred in Illinois to someone from Louisiana (Cliff Shrader who was on a hunting trip) stayed three days in the hunting camp with Cliff and his buddies then eight days in Louisiana with Cliff and Cheryl and went on Sunday to live with the alligator hunter guy in the picture (Jimbo White). This is Mars - Cajun Jim says it's Marz! - on his way to a deer track this evening. I don't know whether it is a training track or a real one but I look forward to hearing how it goes! Marz is Multi-CH Maxi-Tax Maroon Marstax, father of my Taya, Cliff's Tasha, and Derek Smith's Thor (Seymour). All the Best to Cajun Marz! Tasha braved the high temperatures and humidity to recover a nice buck. The arrow deflected off the shoulder blade and exited the paunch. He backtracked and crossed his own trail twice. He swam across a barrow pit with at least one alligator in it....we went around! Although the buck was only a couple hundred yards from where he was shot, we covered 1.25 miles tracking one hour and twenty nine minutes. Lots of this time I was on my hands and knees crawling through the willows, kudzu and cockaburs! There were only two small spots of blood on the entire trail. Tasha continues to amaze me and she was awesome today! ~ Cliff Shrader, Louisiana Tasha has her own business card now. Come on deer season! ~ Cliff Shrader, Louisiana The Cliff & Tasha Team are chomping at the bit!
Tasha and I went to the deer lease this morning. We had planted food plots last weekend during one heck of a rainstorm and we went to check things out. It was 94 degrees and almost 80 percent humidity. If was a scorcher and the heat index was out of sight. I put Tasha on a long stay. She watched as I walked 150 yards to the other end. If you look closer, you can see Tasha at the end of the food plot patiently waiting for me. She has been a breeze to train. ~ Cliff Shrader, Louisiana Cliff, you are doing a great job teaching Tasha impulse control!
I was going through some files today and saw this DTK (German Dachshund Club) magazine. I had saved it because I like the cover photo. I also very much appreciate the fact that the DTK continues to retain focus on the dachshund as a hunting dog. Certainly, not all German breeders train, test, and hunt their dachshunds. Far from it. But the parent club has retained breed purpose in their sights.
2014 Trackfest: Longhaired dachshunds were represented by Cliff Shrader's Tasha, who passed the UBT II test with flying colors. ~ Jolanta Jeanneney, NY Thank you, Jolanta, for the outstanding photograph of Tasha!
Tasha has passed the advanced test at the annual United Blood Trackers Trackfest which was held this year in North Carolina! The UBT-II test is a tracking test where 6 ounces of blood, or three ounces of blood and a deer hoof, are used to lay a track of at least 800 yards. The track will have three turns and two wound beds and will be aged at least eight hours or overnight. Super performance; It is a wonderful accomplishment, Cliff!
Congratulations to you and Tasha!! Owl and Tasha mated again this morning. Then Cliff laid a track for Tasha, an AKC-type track this time, meaning Tasha tracked where Cliff walked; it was not a blood track.
Graciously, Cliff invited me to run Viljo on the track first. And Viljo, who had not tracked in months, did a very nice job! After that, Tasha ran the track, too. It was becoming warm but she is one motivated tracking dog and her performance was impressive! Following are some photos I took of Tasha on this track, with captions. Cliff, this is just awesome all the way around. Congratulations to you and your super tracking partner Tasha! Good girl, Tasha! I will write it up, a really hard track with track 1.94 miles and ran him to the bank of the Mississippi River. What a great way to end the season. - Cliff Shrader, LA Svante is father of Viljo. Another recovered deer for Svante! It was quick job in freezing weather, -17 degrees. But luckily it was a good shot and deer was close so we did not freeze. It was hunter's first deer so he was so happy Svante found it. - Tia Eskelinen, Finland Congratulations to all of you!
[-17 Celsius = 1 degree Fahrenheit] Manu claiming his deer and rightfully so! This is 15 months old longhaired dachshund Zingarese Aznavour today in Finland. The only dog accompanying the hunters, Manu located the deer in the forest and drove it to the shot.
Manu's owner is Antti Niskanen who also took the photo. The proud breeder is Sirpaleena Stubbe. Manu is grandson of Maxi-Tax Heracles. Heracles is brother of Hestia, Taya's grandmother. I posted some photos of Hestia two days ago. I didn't say then that Hestia and Heracles are grandkids of Nick v Dorndorf L. Thank you, Sirpaleena, for the photo! Svante recovered a wounded deer today. It was hit by a car yesterday and we followed it 4,5 km [2 miles] and 1,5 hours. My super boy. Now we are wet and tired and happy and both of us will be in sauna very soon. - Tia Eskelinen, Finland Congratulations, Tia and Svante!
After I posted the photo of Siiri yesterday, her owner Ilse Kokkonen sent this picture that I have not seen before. It was taken this past August during a duck hunt, which Siiri loves to do.
Sirri is paternal grandmother of the youngsters Taya, Tasha, and Thor, who also love to swim and are steady to gun. You can see photos of Taya's First Swim at age 10 weeks. Tasha track 32 ends in recovery of a young hunter's first buck. There are not many things more rewarding than watching a hunter see his buck for the first time after he thought it was lost. Tasha knows what she is doing and stayed focused on her track with deer in the same field. She stayed on her track with a rabbit jumping and going the other way. I was worried but she held her line. I am proud of her. - Cliff Shrader, LA Tasha gets to help young Braxten find his first deer. Great shooting Braxten and congratulations! - Cliff Shrader Congratulations to all!
What a beautiful photo! 5.5 years old, Svante, father of Viljo, was recently Helsinki Winner 2013. Some of his other accomplishments include: Finland's 2011 Longhaired dachshund of the year, show Champion in six countries, tracking Champion in Sweden, and successful in the blood tracking recovery of moose and deer.
Svante is owned and handled by Tia Eskelinen of Finland. His breeder is Marina Nilsson of Red Top's dachshunds in Sweden. Photo credit to Cliff is, of course, referring to his young tracking partner Tasha. Nearly 3 miles of tracking - and success!! What a wonderful ending to a marvelous effort. Tasha is pictured below with the hunter holding his buck, also her canine colleague Alleah, owned by Andre Guerin. This is the new longest track for Tasha. At one point we went 800 yards with no sign at all. This buck was shot yesterday breaking the right rear leg at lower hindquarter. We caught up to it this morning, he was still alive. What an amazing little girl I have! - Cliff Shrader, LA Tasha, the tracking machine. This was a tough one, brother in law, on the dogs and us. But when it all was over, it was worth every moment!! Good job, Cliff and Tasha!! - Andre Guerin, LA I just downloaded the track information from my Garmin. Total track was 2.85 miles. The deer was 1.3 miles from where we started tracking in a straight line. No wonder we are tired! Not a bad way to start the morning. Happy hunter = Happy hounds - Cliff Shrader I have posted both a link and a PDF download of the article on a separate web page.
Congratulations to Cliff Shrader and Tasha, Andre Guerin and Alleah! Another successful deer-finding effort this morning by Cliff and Tasha. Awesome job! And an excellent photo to remember it by!!
Made up the title. But it sounds pretty goode. Tasha is in deep thought preparing for a deer recovery track this morning. Seriously, she sleeps all the way to the track every time we go out. - Cliff Shrader |
February 2015