Emma Nance (nee Neufeld) Nov 18 1931 - Nov 18 1983.
With the tremendous knack my mother had for knowing dates, it was fitting actually that she died on her birthday. As just one example, when our fridge was starting to not work so well, my mother remembered the month, day, and year that we had gotten our Sears Coldspot Refrigerator - 19 years previously! She had a mind for dates.
And she was also a big fan of antique American cars. Since she did not come to the United States until she was 26, I have no idea how she learned what the old cars were but she did. We'd drive down the road and she would see some ancient model car and say "Oh, look at that 19-- ---------" - fill in the blanks. And we'd say "How do you know it's a 19-- ---------?" She'd say something like "By the hood and the bumper, of course." I barely know a 2000 CRV - which I drive - from a 2001!