I received this from Maxine this morning: "Nutmeg had a good weekend at Illiana Collie Fanciers in Merriville, Indiana. She got a Double Q [qualified in both classes] on Friday but didn't run as fast as she usually does, she seemed tired. Saturday she had fun running [off course] in one tunnel and another so didn't qualify in that one but then came back and qualified in Jumpers. Sunday she was up to par, ran in Standard and got a Q and 19 points and then in Jumpers and got 13 points. You just don't know what she is going to do. She keeps me on my toes but she is fun to run no matter what. She is always out there trying even if it is her way sometimes. Love my girl."
Dogs accumulate MACH points by how many seconds under Standard Course time they are. Which means that on Sunday, Nutmeg ran 19 seconds under SCT in the Excellent B Standard class, and 13 seconds under SCT in the Jumpers class! WOW!!
Congratulations, Maxine and Nutmeg!